
6 days in…..The class of 2007 would like to send their appreciation to the brotherhood for their support thus far in raising funds (bar fundraisers, food plates, sponsors, small donors, cups, ’84 Support the Brotherhood fundraiser, ’85 Maroon Jacket Golf Tourney, AD7 Golf Tourney) and hosting dinners most especially.

We’d like to add that this contest for the car wouldn’t be possible without the help of our brothers from the Class of AD7 (87).

So in case you’re wondering, the shot will be the halftime show at the championship game. One lucky winner will be randomly selected to shoot from behind the Triple J stickers you see within the center court circle. We’d like to reserve it for the elitists only to take the shot and have a chance at winning….buy your tix bros.

Fortes in Fide


Please turn in your team entrance fees if you haven’t done so already.