Father Duenas Memorial School Alumni Association
Presidents Message:
Welcome to the Father Duenas Alumni Association website! Over the years, FDMS has continued to expand its efforts in reconnecting with alumni from all decades. We now have over 4000+ alumni in all corners of the globe and working in every type of profession imaginable. We are very proud of all our alumni.
The purpose of our Alumni Association is to help support the School’s mission by connecting with and engaging alumni through communications, fundraisers, and sporting events. Our Alumni Association hosts many signature annual events including Masters Basketball League, Legacy Golf Tourney, Summer Basketball Tourney, The Gala Event, and 5K Run. This month the Masters Basketball Tournament has 16 entries this year. Although we have many accomplishments we still have the potential to do so much more.
Some of the goals of this new administration are to publish its financials so that all alumni are able to see where their donations go. Transparency is our motto. We established a sports committee to engaged more alumni in being part of the FDMSAA and offer their ideas on how to make it better. We only just begun the hard work and I thank each and everyone for their support.
The spirit of Father Duenas is alive and connects all of us in a very special way through our most unique brotherhood. I hope you will use this website as a means to keep that brotherhood connection current for all alumni no matter where life takes you. Please re-visit this site as often for updates on alumni news and events.
Fortes in Fide!!!!

Class of 1996

Vice President
Class of 2012

Class of 2013

Joe Mateo
Class of 2008

Ex-Officio Member
Peter Roy Martinez
Class of 1965