Updated, FINAL, Revised playoff schedule attached. This will be posted at the Jungle tonight. Be sure to follow the schedule with the green highlighted REVISED 7/3/17 date at 4:25pm and all. Ladder is also correct. Again, sorry the confusion. I so look forward to not doing this crap next year! (Download SCHEDULE and LADDER)
Attached is the playoff schedule. A few things of note:
1) as always, the playoffs are semi-seeded. records were taken into account for the higher seeds, however, all 1st round games are winnable for each team. if you have a problem with this, please fill out a comment card and place it in any of the trash bins at at the Jungle. I will be sure to review it at the appropriate time. you’re welcome.
2) FDAA Election: I have a heard a lot of positive chatter about the state of the FDAA. It is important to (1) be present and represented at the election and (2) you make your voice heard. Pre-nominations are still being taken by Dean Manglona at . Otherwise, floor nominations will also be taken. Remember that it is one vote per person and NOT one vote per class. If you have a candidate you want in, have your class go out and support him.
3) Entrance fees: still quite a few teams outstanding. this is your last warning to make your payment or work out your plan with the 2007 class. next email will call your class out. you’re welcome.
Lastly, the class of 96/97 would like to thank everyone who came out yesterday during our food host day. We hope you enjoyed your meals, hot and fresh throughout the day. For those that missed it, yes, we did do a Mongolian BBQ line! We challenge ANY class to step to the plate and do as we do, and we say that in the most respectful, friendly competitive voices we have. you’re welcome.
We are hitting the home stretch. Good luck to all classes, except 95 sucks!. Fortes in Fide!